pinterest link, click here
This link on pinterest we see different images in different folders and different types of tourism.
En aquest bloc dedicarem el nostre temps a ensenyar-vos i disfrutar de destinacions i rutes emblematiques, típiques i nous productes turístics encara desconeguts
divendres, 10 de maig del 2013
- Search the characteristics of slow movement.
a cultural
movement that promotes calm
human activities. The slow movement intends
to take control of the time,
rather than submit to his tyranny,
giving priority to activities that lead
to the development of people, finding a balance between the use of technology-oriented
saving time and taking
time need to enjoy activities
such as a walk or sharing a meal
with others.
- Environmental policy
- Infrastructure policy will
- Les technologies for urban quality
- The promotion of indigenous productions
- The awareness of citizens
- Infrastructure policy will
- Les technologies for urban quality
- The promotion of indigenous productions
- The awareness of citizens
- Try to find some example in CAT and SPAIN.
IN CAT: There are 2 populations belonging to Cittaslow in
are almost: Begur and Pals.
are 4 people
belonging to Cittaslow in Spain, are
almost: Bigastro, Lekeitio,
Mungia and Rubielos
of Mora.
the moment it has already become an international
network with numerous
adherent populations worldwide.
The slow movement began in Italy. Slow Movement aims exaltation of the
values of enjoy and savor life,
so his creation.
diumenge, 7 d’abril del 2013
Religions del món: Hinduisme
En aquest video podrem veure una de les religions que em treballat l'hinduisme.
dilluns, 11 de febrer del 2013
Cultural tourism in Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo
In this video we present below you can see the different things you can do as sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Tokyo in Japan. The travel arrangements with flight, hotel and itinerary that the days will be one of two places. This will cover things that are essential to visit if you visit one of two places.
dimarts, 15 de gener del 2013
Turisme industrial Kirin Factory i Airbus Factory
The tourism industry is one type of tourism in which people will see factories or industries in which you can see the product and make it to try and get it.
We suggest visiting the Kirin Brewery in Japan a major beer brands in Asia, after going to propose to visit the Toulouse Airbus factory.
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